Latest Update: 22nd July 2009Hey, this site is now over 10 years old! I am staggered it has been going that long... Typically, I am as bad as ever at keeping it updated...Quoting from the last update "the site will appear, bit by bit, over the next month"... Yeah, right... I'll never learn... At least the specific sections say "will appear by August... " cunningly not mentioning which year! The Writing Section hasn't made it over yet, but I have now finished updating and migrating the general Games Page. I have also migrated the games pages for Under Angmar's Shadow, the game formally known as "The Cardolani Succession", in readiness for its outing in Chicago in October this year.
Previous Updates9th August 2008The Big Migration! Since its inception, the site has been at When I first set out in the brave wide world of web, Dircon was a relatively small ISP and a very good one. Then it got taken over by Netscalibur and it became merely good. Then it got taken over by Claranet and things have gone downhill ever since...The final straw came in the spring of 2008 when my website disappeared. I was never once contacted by Claranet to let me know what was going on: every time I had to ask them, but as the months went by and my site didn't come back, I lost patience. Eventually, in response to another poke, Claranet said that they had restored the server, but they couldn't restore the data and I would have to reload my site. In itself, this isn't an issue: servers fail, data get lost and reloading the site isn't that much trouble. What is unacceptable is the lack of any proactive communication from Claranet and their generally poor customer service. So, I've done what I should have done ages ago and registered my own domain, And now all I have to do is migrate the website, which isn't that hard a job, except that I decided that I'd clean the site up a bit at the same time. The upshot of all this is that the site will appear, bit by bit, over the next month, although various parts of the old site (the Reading, Travel and Comedy Sections, which haven't been updated in a long time) won't be making the move.
Planned UpdatesFinish the migration!
Site HistoryFebruary 2006The last time I officially updated the site, although there have been minor changes since. Between 2002 and 2006, there were semi-regular updates to the Reading Section, with new books being added on an ad-hoc basis. However, there was no major change to the structure of the site in this period.May 2002The main visible change was the addition of the background pages for House on the Hill. However, behind the scenes, I had moved the site over from my trusty Macintosh (sniff) to a then top-of-the-line PC (boo!). I had resisted having a PC at home for a long, long time, but having set up my own business in May 2002, which used PCs, I decided that having a Mac at home and PCs at work was more trouble than it was worth. I've been a slave to Microsoft ever since!The move entailed a considerable amount of work that I hadn't forseen, ensuring that all the old Mac files worked on the PC and could be edited (you would think .html files would be fairly platform-independent, but you would be wrong). I took the opportunity to update the look and feel of the site, with a lot more images to (hopefully) make the navigation a bit easier and more consistant. January-February 2002The major update was at the start of the year, which saw the Cardolani Succession background pages joining the site. They were the biggest set of background pages I've ever produced, largely because of the background sections and the rules. Sadly, they proved a bit intimidating for the players and are now present in a much reduced form.August-September 2001A major revamp of the roleplaying pages which included details of the two new games that I was writing for 2002: House on the Hill and the Cardolani Succession. I also added a description of what I think freeform roleplaying is.Despite having been added the year before, the Reading Section only started to get books added to it at this point. December 2000-January 2001Addition of the Comedy Section, which led to a re-organisation of the index page. The Comedy Section, which contained reviews of various stand-up acts that I'd seen, was more successful than the Travel Section, but nevertheless fell into disuse. It was removed when the site was migrated to 2000Added the Reading Section and details of another game, Nepenthe. The Reading Section contained my thoughts about the various books that I read. It grew to be a major part of the site, but in the end I couldn't keep it up to date, so it was removed when the site was migrated to 2000General reorganisation of the site to include the Travel Section and the game The Man in Black. The short story The Shame was added to the writing section.The Travel Section never really took off and was removed when the site was migrated to May 1999Launch of the site, principally to disseminate information about my game, The Council of Fennas Drúnin. Also included was my first ever short story, Anya.